(Please feel free to share this invitation on an individual basis – no group emails please – as you feel appropriate!) LENT 2024 Wednesday evening Vespers: see below, different link than usual! You are welcome to join us in person or online from this page, during COVID-19 or at any […]

The adult catechism class at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church helped the congregation extend an invitation to the community to prepare for the coming Christmas season with their church sign. The message was in place for the entire season of Advent. Join us this Advent as the +Word prepares us for […]
Community encouraged to prepare for Christmas

The Advent Kids Activity Night at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church ,November 29 2019, ushered in the season with an evening of fun and learning. The children and helpers gathered at the back of the church, and then slowly made their way to the front as they heard, meditated on, and […]
Activity night teaches about Advent

MONCTON, NEW BRUNSWICK – Canadians greeted with relief the news that an alleged shooter in Moncton had been captured early Friday morning without further incident. Some parts of the city had been in lockdown since Wednesday evening, when Justin Bourque allegedly shot five police officers, killing three. Read more…
In midst of Moncton tragedy, Lutheran pastor points people to ...

Members of Lutheran Churches at their confirmation say that they have found the teaching of Luther’s Small Catechism to be a faithful summary exposition of the Bible’s teaching, and they pledge to remain faithful to this teaching for life. After all, the Catechism is nothing but God’s own life-saving and […]
Review the Small Catechism this Pentecost Season

“Feed My Lambs,” the Lord told Peter after Easter, as He was restoring the formerly Christ-denying disciple (John 21:15-19). Jesus had told him this before — “When you have turned again,strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-32). Every school year since 2006, in a partnership between Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Kingswood Academy […]
Feed My Lambs: 2012-2013 Daycare Chapel at Good Shepherd

To start off our Sunday School Rally Weekend, on Saturday, September 6, 2008, Good Shepherd hosted a one-day Bible Adventure Day. The children were small, the Word of God was big, and hearts lept for joy under the grace of God in Christ Jesus. Everyone was invited! After building an […]
Noah’s 2 by 2 Adventure

God’s Promises for You! God’s Promises for you! was the theme of our 2002 Vacation Bible School (VBS), held this past August 19th to 23rd, 2002. The Lord blessed our preparations by sending 13 children to spend five mornings with us, being built up in His promises, singing songs and […]
God’s Promises — FOR YOU!

When a king comes, you expect him to breeze right by the “little people” in search of those who are at least interesting, if not ‘worthy’ of him. But at the start of Advent, on December 2nd, 2001, the King of Kings and the Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ […]
Behold the King is coming… to little baby Mary Jane!

The gift of Holy Baptism was given by God — through His Word combined with the water He commanded — to not one, but TWO infants (Zackery and Kayley) this past September 9th, 2001, during the Divine Service at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Moncton, NB, to wash their sins away […]