VBS 2002 – God’s Promises for You

Photo GalleryLessonsLast year’s VBS

God’s Promises
for  You!

God’s Promises for you! was the theme of our 2002 Vacation Bible School (VBS), held this past August 19th to 23rd.  The Lord blessed our preparations by sending 13 children to spend five mornings with us, being built up in His promises, singing songs and doing crafts. See some pictures of our learning, singing, and fun!

We look forward to seeing many of our VBS students and others in Church (11am, Sundays) and at our weekly children’s evening Bible School, which is scheduled to begin the week of Sept. 9th (the specific date is to be announced — please contact us for more information).

Many thanks to everyone involved, especially teachers Taylor R., Paige R., Robin R., Linda D. and Pastor Milette, as well as to our craft person Doris M. and helpers Ichiko (Peggy) L. and Sigrid B.  Thanks also to Vicar Bill Stanfel and his family, Pastor Milette, and Ichiko (Peggy) L. who were responsible for the distribution of nearly 2,000 invitations to our VBS to the neighbourhoods surrounding our church!

In Christ,

Doris Milette, VBS Coordinator

For more information on the special Free CD-ROM offer which we shared with the participants, visit The Puzzle Club.

This offer was made possible by Lutheran Hour Ministries.

VBS Lessons

Introductory talks each day were based on
The Great Flood, Noah’s Ark, and the Sign of the Rainbow (Genesis 6-9)
and their New Testament fulfilment in Christ (see especially I Peter 3:18-22)

Day 1: I will forgive
The Prodigal Son, His Brother and Their Forgiving Father (Luke 15:11-32)

Day 2: I will send a Saviour
The Baptism of our Lord Jesus to Fulfil All Righteousness (Matthew 3:13-17)

Day 3: The Saviour came
The Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus (Matthew 27-28)

Day 4: Believe and be saved
Paul and Silas released from prison to share the Good News of Jesus with their jailer (Acts 16:25-34)

Day 5: His Word is True
(younger) Jesus visits Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
(older) The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

The classroom materials used to teach these lessons were from the 1987 Concordia Publishing House VBS “God’s Promises for you!

Event Pictures

00-Registration.jpg (70434 bytes) 01-ArrivalCraftPosters.jpg (49649 bytes) 02-1-Junior.jpg (56720 bytes) 02-2-Primary.jpg (59051 bytes)
02-3-Preteen.jpg (54950 bytes) 02-4-Kinder.jpg (71180 bytes) 02-5-Junior.jpg (68339 bytes) 02-7-Preteen.jpg (59021 bytes) 03-0-Junior-Craft.jpg (73694 bytes) 03-1-Junior-Craft.jpg (74437 bytes) 03-2-Junior-Craft.jpg (81815 bytes) 03-Kinder-Craft.jpg (53308 bytes) 05-1-Craft.jpg (76809 bytes) 05-2-Craft.jpg (72936 bytes) 10-1-Snack.jpg (64377 bytes) 10-2-Snack.jpg (66927 bytes) 10-3-Snack.jpg (72592 bytes) 11-Snack-Prep.jpg (125928 bytes) 20-Singing.jpg (73216 bytes) 90-1-Group.jpg (76265 bytes) 99-Cleanup.jpg (76055 bytes)


The Church Year

These posters were the “as they arrive” craft from the children in attendance each day.

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