Christmas is coming… And the angel said to the shepherds: “Fear not! Behold! I bring you Good News of a great joy that will be for all the people – for to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.” To […]
Yearly Archives: 2019

The adult catechism class at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church helped the congregation extend an invitation to the community to prepare for the coming Christmas season with their church sign. The message was in place for the entire season of Advent. Join us this Advent as the +Word prepares us for […]
Community encouraged to prepare for Christmas

The Advent Kids Activity Night at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church ,November 29 2019, ushered in the season with an evening of fun and learning. The children and helpers gathered at the back of the church, and then slowly made their way to the front as they heard, meditated on, and […]
Activity night teaches about Advent
Come – hear – receive the +One who comes to be your Redeemer and to give you Good News! Easter is the very heart of the Christian faith. That’s why Christians have been preparing themselves for Easter’s Resurrection Good News since the start of Lent and especially throughout Holy Week. It’s not […]